The Beginner Yoga Routine That Actually Works
Basic Yoga Poses Geared to Your Unique Health Needs for All Ages and Genders! With Detailed Explanations and Video Examples.
Optimal Melatonin Dose For Every Age (With Evidence-Based Ways to Prevent Drowsiness)
A low dose of melatonin has the potential to relieve temporary sleeplessness. Reference this chart for age-appropriate dosage recommendations.
5 Benefits of Yoga for Men
Many men prioritize their health and fitness, often by focusing on maintaining muscle mass with weight training, improving cardio through running ...
How to Get Your Water Right
In many indigenous communities in North America, the phrase “water is life” has political undertones, but stems from a basic truth of our species: we rely heavily on and we are comprised of water.
Living Into Genetic Testing Results
After 7 years in the quantification and biohacking world, I know how seductive tests and biomarkers can be.